Monday, April 14, 2008

An interdisciplinary course

I am offering, along with a professor in history, a new "pair." We're asking students to be enrolled in both of the courses, which will be conducted, in some ways, as a single course.

Here's the flyer:

I won't deny that I "stole" the picture of the CRS officer with the baton from an advertisement for a large supermarket chain. (Of course, they stole it from a Mai 68 protest poster.)

The irony is the the supermarket is asking you to fight for your right to maintain your purchasing power, which is, of course, their right to have cheap imports. I won't even begin to go into all the contradictions this involves, especially since seizing on rebellious energy is something corporations do regularly and well.

Anyway, I can't wait to start this class. We're talking about the reading list now and reading new stuff at this point of the semester feels so refreshing.